2017 Rad Studio (C++ Builder and Delphi) Developers Survey

2017 Rad Studio Developers Survey


The 2017 Embarcadero survey provides the latest information about the programming language Delphi.  The survey can be reviewed from Marco Cantu’s web site

Apparently all versions are still in use since the original design was built as a 32 bit compiler.  So in theory a developer using Delphi 1 can build an application for Windows 10 since it is 32 bit.   As time progresses the 32 bit application will disappear such as the 16 bit did.

One super fact from the survey is that Berlin V10.1 is the most used and that is in thanks to their campaign.

Windows application development is still strong since Delphi along with components can build an application in no time.  The next platform is Android which is bigger then iOS.  There are over 90% of users building a Windows VCL application. Since this survey was just done and Linux is still new there are no indications whether this option will be in full use later.

Once again the survey still proves that Delphi is strong in many areas and will be for the immediate future.  Go ahead and read the survey to see what others are doing and working towards.