Nintendo announces the Switch game console

Computer PC Tips - bits and bytes, Hardware Reviews
Nintendo announces the Switch game console for March 2017 There isn't much information on the cost but it can be anywhere between $200 to $350 (USD).  This pricing is critical for Nintendo as to whether they think the Switch will compete against the Xbox or PS4.  Remember the Xbox one dropped it's price since the PS4 was winning on the console war.  Does this mean Nintendo cares about the war or are they going their own way with their fans? You can view the Switch console video which shows everybody either remotely, on planes, walking just playing their games.   Satoru Iwata, Nintendo "As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept under the development codename 'NX'. It…
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Code Analysis what does it do for your application ?

Computer PC Tips - bits and bytes, Software development Concepts, Software Releases
Code Analysis what does it do for your application ? When developing an application you want to provide the best solution for your clients.  This means you need to evaluate current or possible future defects in your source code.  This is a reality during the development stage and is highly recommend that this is implemented in all cases. Necessary steps to do during the code analysis Identify potential errors and oddities. Identify from the produce warnings on why and how you can remove them. Check your code for coding convention compliance. Team code review. There are numerous packages that can be purchased to do simple to deep analysis.  Some packages are installed with the IDE you are using or are external but all have the similar need.  They have to…
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Embarcadero Webinar C++ latest features

Computer PC Tips - bits and bytes, Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts, Software Events
  <h1>Embarcadero Webinar - Useful C++ Features You Should be Using</h1> The Embarcadero webinar are usually excellent and short providing you insight on the latest features for C++ Builder.  Even if you do not use the product there is a possibility that you will pick up some new clue on how to use C++. David Millington knowledge on the product line is a breathe of fresh air and hopefully puts this compiler on a better path for getting updates or upgrades.  The future of the product will be for Linux server application development by the fall.  In comparison with Visual Studio, Rad Studio does cost money but the product is superior in usage and application development.  You can use Visual Studio Community which is free but it is at times confusing…
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Sitemap for web crawlers

Computer PC Tips - bits and bytes, Software development Concepts
What is a Sitemap ? A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on a Web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. Why would you need a sitemap for your web site is usually a reasonable question for any web designer.  A sitemap is a quick access point that allows the visitors on your web site to see the hierarchy of your website and pages in a single glance.   Your web designer tool kits usually provide a method to generate a sitemap from the current set of available pages which will be constantly…
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Windows 7 auto upgrade is happening

Computer PC Tips - bits and bytes
  Upgrade from Windows 7 is possibly happening on your machine. The latest news concerning a auto upgrade with your Windows 7 operating system on a machine regardless whether it is a notebook or desktop may fade into memory unless you take steps to prevent an automatic upgrade of your Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 machine, it will happen even if you're not around to approve it. Our IT department witness it happen on a machine that is basically on most of the time, the update was filter from Microsoft and the upgrade began before anyone could stop it.  Is this big brother forcing users to go their way regardless they want to or not, could be.  There have been various reports of certain applications that have stopped working due…
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