New Year wish for Idera and the Rad Studio.

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts, Software Events
With 2016 now in full force the expectations for Idera to start getting aggressive for Embarcadero product line.   It has been highly speculate what is currently happening but this is without any written notice from Idera.  This opens nothing but hearsay or smoking guns on the demise of Delphi which is further from the truth.  Delphi is alive and doing very well all over the world, you may not hear many developers speaking about Object Pascal but there is a underlining amount of developers using either the Delphi or Free Pascal compilers. These developers are designing applications for various operating systems and devices, you just do not hear anyone parading these accomplishments.  This is largely due to the developer who does not think it is cool to work with…
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FixInsight for Rad Studio Delphi review

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts, Software Releases
The FixInsight software tool assists Delphi developers in finding possible coding defects that can affect the released product and this can be caught during the development process.   You can review the warnings as well as coding conventions that are part of the release.  Baron Software highly recommends the product for Delphi developers, we found that it is quick to point out various things we did not think about as well as potential issues.  You can view the product at FixInsight. The latest updated is available providing a few new rules and it was quick to install to allow work to continue.   The software is flexible for a few entries by simply opening FixInsight, right click on a option and you can modify what is allowed. It is simple to understand and…
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Stopping a Delphi application from having too many instances.

Rad Studio Delphi Development
Every single developer wishes to have their client start up only a single instance of their application.   This reduces the amount of possible application issues if the code makes a database connection or does some sort of processing that takes away the machine resources.   The following code snippet will help Delphi programmers to keep the process count down to a single instance.  This was coded using Rad Studio XE8 Delphi and is used in many of my applications. The code will be embedded in the project's source because it has to occur prior to the application creating the main form. Click on the menu Project / View Source or using the project manager, you can right click and upon getting the pop-up, you can select view source as…
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Embarcadero, GoDaddy SSL and trust issues

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software Events
It has been noted that the discovery for the Embarcadero client web sites such as the quality portal and the EDN have older SSL certificates that for some reason were not automatically updated by the vendor GoDaddy. Now a SSL certificate is sold to a company that provides any private information encrypted so that outside folks cannot monitor the web site and gain vital information. That being said Embarcadero should have realized the issue prior to clients viewing it and posting it on blogs (such as this). A major software vendor does not get caught with their pants down but Embarcadero has. They are a unique company that provides high class software development tools for all aspects but something simple as this which can be done by anyone at corporate…
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TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.9 released with a new Spell check engine

Rad Studio Delphi Development
TMS Pack for FireMonkey v2.9 released with a new Spell check engine & a major update of TTMSFMXRichEditor! In this new version we've added a new TMS Spell Check engine and a major update of the TTMSFMXRichEditor. What's new & improved in v2.9: New : TMS Spell Check engine for Windows and Mac OSX: Supports ISPELL dictionaries and raw dictionary formats Includes dictionaries for many languages including: English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish and Italian TMS Spell Check can directly interface to TTMSFMXRichEditor or it can be used standalone Persists its dictionaries and ignore list in a database. Can be used either in a synchronous way or an asynchronous way Words can programmatically be added to the ignore list and dictionary Comes with several predefined user interface controls: TTMSFMXSpellCheckConfigDialog, TTMSFMXSpellCheckLanguageSelectDialog, TTMSFMXSpellCheckCorrectPanel,…
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