Mnuchin Urges Antitrust Probe of Tech After Google Report

Rad Studio Delphi Development
Mnuchin Urges Antitrust Probe of Tech After Google Report Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin urged the Justice Department to review the power that large technology firms such as Google have over the American economy, the latest U.S. official to back antitrust scrutiny of the industry. A “60 Minutes” segment on Sunday devoted to assertions that Alphabet Inc.’s Google wields a destructive monopoly in online search hammered home the notion of the company’s dominance during a time of heightened public concern with technology giants. The report didn’t include new allegations about the company. “These issues deserve to be reviewed carefully,” Mnuchin said in a CNBC interview early Monday in response to a question about the CBS News report. “These are issues the Justice Department needs to look at seriously, not for any…
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CommunityToolbar in Delphi creates problems

Rad Studio Delphi Development
CommunityToolbar in Delphi creates problems The CommunityToolbarXXX.BPL located in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\XX.0\Bin creates problems for the IDE in the long run.  Apparently you can get an access violation when closing the IDE or if you click on tools\options followed by Ok you can get a script error using Tokyo.  The XXX is the version number located in the BIN folder.  For Berlin it was 240 and for Tokyo it was 250. Embarcadero intended good things to happen using the community toolbar but once again the QA department has failed to capture a bad bug. Something of this nature should never happen during the testing phase when the product is about to be released but lately it has happened alot. To rid the problem all you have to do is…
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Embarcadero RAD Studio Tokyo Release 3 is Now Available

Rad Studio Delphi Development
Embarcadero RAD Studio Tokyo Release 3 is Now Available Embarcadero are pleased to announce RAD Studio Tokyo Release 3 for Tokyo (10.2.3) is now available for Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio for customers on Update Subscription. As part of our ongoing commitment to enable developers to quickly and easily build innovative apps, we’ve expanded mobile support for all Professional, Enterprise, and Architect editions. Tokyo Release 3 adds the following features: C++ Enhancements for CMake Command Line Support. C++ Rename Factoring Expanded RAD Server Support for Ext JS Visual Framework Enhancements including HighDPI Support for VCL and Quality Improvements for FireMonkey (FMX) You can view a complete list of features, updates and bug fixes by clicking here While RAD Studio licenses are perpetual, releases are only available to customers with active Update Subscription.…
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Apex Data Solutions will be releasing Athena the latest PaxCompiler

Rad Studio Delphi Development
Apex Data Solutions will be releasing Athena the latest PaxCompiler Apex Data Solutions, LLC is pleased to announce a Target Release Date of Monday, April 23, 2018 for the initial public release of Apex Athena™, Apex Muse™ and Apex Perseus™.   Apex Athena™, the successor to PaxCompiler 4.2, is an embedded scripting engine that can be used to generate fast, efficient bytecode or super-performant native code on a variety of popular operating systems. The languages Athena supports are familiar—Pascal, Basic, and C#—but with special syntax for transforming data in multiple formats and other innovative features. Athena is based on a decade of experience helping developers create extensible, data-driven software solutions. The languages Athena supports are familiar—Pascal, Basic, and C#—but with special syntax for transforming data in multiple formats and other…
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AlMediaDev Releases update to StyleControls Version 3.91

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software Releases
AlMediaDev Releases update to VCL StyleControls Version 3.91   AlMediaDev has released the latest update to the fantastic VCL StyleControls. StyleControls VCL is a powerfull package of components, which uses Classic drawing, system Themes, GDI+ and VCL Styles. This package contains the unique solutions to extend standard VCL controls and also has many unique, advanced controls to create Windows 10 Modern UI Applications (UWP design).  Also with this package you can really improve applying and using of VCL Styles in your application. You can visit them by clicking here The following updates have been applied:  added: full support of native system animations for custom form with TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow = True (see CustomGPForm..., GPControls demos)  improved: custom drop down form behavior when it resizing (TscStyledForm.DropDownForm = True)  updated: TscGPSizeBox control  (mouse handling is…
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