Embarcadero Academy Debuts with Online Courses

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software Events, Software Releases
Embarcadero Academy Debuts with Online Courses  A provider of cross-platform application developer productivity tools, today announced the launch of Embarcadero Academy, an online school for developers of all levels. The Academy, operated in partnership with Embarcadero by CodePower, offers a wide variety of expert-led courses in Delphi and C++Builder skills and technologies. Finally Embarcardo / Idera have decided to get into the possible educational on line webinars to improve the software developers of Delphi or C++ Builder. Embarcadero Academy is launching with approximately 15 courses, and has an additional 15 in development. The curriculum, which spans beginner to advanced courses, will initially focus on Delphi and C++Builder capabilities such as language and framework skills, and will continue to grow in range and scope of languages. Full courses run from several days…
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Do you need to know Javascript ?

Microsoft Development, Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts
Do you need to know Javascript ? Web site maintenance or development has led to the need for software developers to know and understand how to write or read JavaScript.  The need for professional JavaScript developers is growing at a fast rate.  Now that does not mean there will be college courses dealing with JavaScript 101 but there is a vast amount of on-line knowledge areas for self taught on how to use JavaScript. The beauty of JavaScript is that you do not need a degree where it is a free technology that requires no installation and no configuration.  You can easily open up a HTML page and quickly write a function to send out the famous "Hello World!" Hello World Sample <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <body> <p>Simple JavaScript</p> <script> alert(…
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A simple approach to software development

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts
A simple approach to software development Setting up your software development for a new application there are quite a few set of software developers that tend to jump on their machine and begin coding.  I would strongly suggest that an application which could be successful needs to start from thought to paper (even electronic) before any new code is typed. Now as some suggest creating designs or layouts are the best method for them and sometimes that does make sense.  Creating a sketch board  or laying out the screen design is a simple way to visually see what you want to achieve. Here are the steps that you can use when you are preparing to create a new application. Sitting at a table or desk Using white boards do help…
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IDERA, Inc. Acquires Sencha to Strengthen Developer Tools Business

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts
IDERA, Inc. Acquires Sencha to Strengthen Developer Tools Business IDERA, Inc., the leading provider of database, development, and test management tools, today announced an agreement to acquire Sencha, a leading web application development platform. Sencha will be integrated with Embarcadero, IDERA, Inc.’s developer tools division. The press release can be view at BusinessWire about this purchase in detail.  Now the question is what will happen with moving this product into the Embarcadero Developer product line ?   How does this affect the Rad Studio products that deal with the enterprise ? Sencha provides software tools to build web applications across desktops, tablets and smartphones.  How will this work with FireMonkey is the real question.  The pricing structure for Sencha is extremely high for up to 5 developers. Atanas Popov has been…
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Expert Delphi by Paweł Głowacki

Book Reviews, Rad Studio Delphi Development
Expert Delphi by Paweł Głowacki   After reading the latest book from Author Pawel Glowacki the feeling of fresh FireMonkey Delphi material left an excellent karma.  It should be part of anyone's Delphi Library since it has great reference material.  The book was written by Pawel Glowacki whom is Embarcadero's European Technical Lead for Developer Tools. The book begins with a basic primer on Delphi helping you get accustomed to the IDE and the Object Pascal language.  It quickly moves into advanced concepts dealing with FireMonkey.  You should be able to build server-side services, create new Internet of Things (IOT) and integrate your applet with web services to deploy them to market. As always the pricing from PackT is on the mark.  The writing is very clear at 506 pages and…
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