HotFix for RAD Studio 10.2.1 and iOS

Rad Studio Delphi Development
RAD Studio 10.2.1 HotFix for iOS AdHoc Deployment Embarcadero released a hotfix to address a regression (reported as in RAD Studio Tokyo Release 1 related with AdHoc deployment for iOS. The fix available for download is at: The fix (which is a single file to add to your system) provides support for building iOS Ad Hoc Applications.  Only using RAD Studio 10.2.1 and Xcode 8.2, 8.3.2 or 8.3.3. Extremely important if you are developing for the iOS platform with Delphi.
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Delphi Developer Days 2017 Workshop

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software Events
Delphi Developer Days 2017 Special Edition Database Workshop   Once again the annual Delphi Developer Days are upon us for the year 2017.  The event will take place in only 3 cities, Chicago, Antwerp and Frankfurt.  Seats are going fast so to reserve your spot you need to act today. For the past 3 years Baron Software has attended with getting so much knowledge in less than 2 days. This is a special edition of Delphi Developer Days, a workshop focused on database development. This two-day workshop, presented by Delphi database experts Cary Jensen and Bob Swart, provides you with an insider's perspective on database development with Delphi. Topics that are covered: Connecting to databases using FireDAC Advanced FireDAC configuration Essential database operations, such as reading and writing data, using…
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2017 Rad Studio (C++ Builder and Delphi) Developers Survey

Rad Studio Delphi Development
2017 Rad Studio Developers Survey The 2017 Embarcadero survey provides the latest information about the programming language Delphi.  The survey can be reviewed from Marco Cantu's web site Apparently all versions are still in use since the original design was built as a 32 bit compiler.  So in theory a developer using Delphi 1 can build an application for Windows 10 since it is 32 bit.   As time progresses the 32 bit application will disappear such as the 16 bit did. One super fact from the survey is that Berlin V10.1 is the most used and that is in thanks to their campaign. Windows application development is still strong since Delphi along with components can build an application in no time.  The next platform is Android which is bigger…
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Happy Birthday to Delphi at 22 years and counting

Rad Studio Delphi Development
Happy Birthday to Delphi at 22 years and counting Well with the next release, "Godzilla - Tokyo" currently in beta testing and getting prepared to support Linux servers, there is no better way then to shout out a happy birthday to Delphi. Delphi History Delphi was originally developed by Borland as a rapid application development tool for Windows as the successor of Turbo Pascal. Delphi added full object-orientation to the existing language, and since then the language has grown and supports many other modern language features, including generics and anonymous methods, as well as unusual features such as inbuilt string types and native COM support. Delphi and its C++ counterpart, C++Builder, share many core components, notably the IDE, the Visual Component Library (VCL), and much of the RTL, and are…
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Delphi is coming for Linux Servers

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts
Delphi is coming for Linux Servers Embarcadero has announced that the next major release for the Delphi language will have Linux server support.  What this means to the developers using Delphi is that they can now create service applications for their Linux customers.  You have to take into account that 60 to 70 percent of web and databases reside on a Linux server since the cost is usually very low. Delphi can be used to create Windows applications, 32-bit or 64-bit, Mac and iOS applications, Android applications and now Linux.  One type of application that comes to mind is a Datasnap application that could be used to provide a secured method to extract data from a MYSQL database and using the REST API deliver the request in minutes. At the…
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