Delphi Developer Days 2016 Baltimore

The Delphi Developer Days 2016 which was held in Baltimore was a top notch 2 day knowledge fest that went over various aspects of the Delphi language. As always Cary Jensen, Loy Anderson and Nick Hodges gave the utmost sessions to the attending group. Each developer was able to interact with one another dealing with various issues they may have using the Delphi language.
All in all each session was roughly an hour and dealt with debugging, programming methods and tools to impact daily Delphi programming. The room was packed with programmers in the Northeast section of the United States that all came to Baltimore. Baron Software once again attended as done in the release past and had a grand time.
This time Nick Hodges was a presenter and based on his books that have dealt with theory for better programming Nick was able to convert a lot of programmers to decouple their source code. The sessions ran all day from 8 AM to 5 PM for the 2 days which packed as much information as possible.
Apparently Baltimore may not be used next year but Chicago will be for sure. Baron Software did find Baltimore to be a great location due to being near and drivable. One final note is that it is possible for next year that the event will be held earlier in the fall to stay away from the year end holidays.
You should attend Delphi Developer Days next year!
Our recommendation is for any Delphi programmer to attend these events because as time has progressed they are becoming less. In the days past, these types of events were monthly but due to the internet webinars are the biggest thing to happen to instructors. This allows them to reach a larger audience but an event such as this is truly a gem that allows interaction with all.
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