New Year wish for Idera and the Rad Studio.

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts, Software Events
With 2016 now in full force the expectations for Idera to start getting aggressive for Embarcadero product line.   It has been highly speculate what is currently happening but this is without any written notice from Idera.  This opens nothing but hearsay or smoking guns on the demise of Delphi which is further from the truth.  Delphi is alive and doing very well all over the world, you may not hear many developers speaking about Object Pascal but there is a underlining amount of developers using either the Delphi or Free Pascal compilers. These developers are designing applications for various operating systems and devices, you just do not hear anyone parading these accomplishments.  This is largely due to the developer who does not think it is cool to work with…
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PHP 7.0 is being released and what the package provides.

Software development Concepts, Software Events
[powr-twitter-feed label="PHP 7.0 Released"] The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.0.0. This release marks the start of the new major PHP 7 series. PHP 7 also comes with a new version of the Zend Engine, as well as several other improvements like: • Improved performance: PHP 7 is up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6 • Significantly reduced memory usage • Abstract Syntax Tree • Consistent 64-bit support • Improved Exception hierarchy • Many fatal errors converted to Exceptions • Secure random number generator • Removed old and unsupported SAPIs and extensions • The null coalescing operator (??) • Return and Scalar Type Declarations • Anonymous Classes • Zero cost asserts The release being introduced is an outcome of the almost two years of development.…
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IDERA Announces Intent to Acquire Embarcadero, Expands Position in Database Management and Developer Tools Markets

SQL Tips
Officially Idera is about to acquire Embarcadero this week after final agreements are made.   Idera press release provides you with some additional information concerning the purchase.  At this moment no one really knows what this means for the Rad Studio product as well the other database packages that Embarcadero sells nor what will happen with the company name. At this point the Embarcadero staff members are pretty happy and developers will have to wait until something is provided by Idera.  Usually in purchases older products that have no relevance are stopped and particular development sites are dropped to condense the groups. and finally Idera managers take over after the internal review of what is happening. Some things that can changed in the next year or so: EDN (Embarcadero Developers Network) which…
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Everything Search Engine free Windows Utility is worth a look!

Computer PC Tips - bits and bytes
[powr-twitter-feed label="Everything Search Engine"] Recently I downloaded a Windows utility for file searching that is extremely fast locating any type of file on my machines.  The software tool is called "Everything" and can be downloaded from Voidtools.  The software was created by David Carpenter and you can install either a 32 or 64 bit version. Installing Everything is very simple, you download either the 32 or 64 bit Windows version, it takes a few seconds to index and locate all hard drives or USB clips that are known by the operating system.  You will have a shortcut on the desktop and when it comes to locating any type of file you can use the filter to reduce what you are looking for or just put the title in the search box…
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