How not to conduct support and sales!

News Items, Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software Events, Software Releases
During the summer months businesses tend to have smaller staffs due to vacations or working less hours to enjoy themselves. All businesses need to provide their staff with time off to prepare mentally and physically for the upcoming projects. Hopefully this not how to conduct support and sales. That being said it is understandable that companies may not get back to you within a timely fashion. Support team that does not know. Our first story starts with a support call. There was an issue that led to a component not working correctly. The email went to the support team with the issue described. What came back from the support team was strange. Apparently the person who wrote the software component was on a two week vacation. So the support staff…
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How to remove blank address lines using Fast Reports.

Rad Studio Delphi Development
Fast Reports is an excellent reporting tool for Delphi programmers and there is a missing feature that was in SAP Crystal Reports. The property to remove a blank line in an address block. Fast Reports has grown over the last 2 versions making the reporting for Windows and Web one of the best software tools there is available. Usually the address block consists of a company name, contact person, address and the city, state or province and a zip code or postal code. Simple way to remove blank lines One simple method of checking whether the contact person exists or there is a blank line is the following code using Fast Reports version 6 for VCL: Insert a text object on the report page where you wish the address block…
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New Build 18 Now Available for Version 2.06 of Elevate Web Builder

Software Releases
New Build 18 Now Available for Version 2.06 of Elevate Web Builder Apparently there was an issue with the build 17 for a quick release of software fixes.  Elevate Web Builder is an excellent product and the results can be amazing. Elevate Web Builder is a visual rapid application development environment for web applications. It is simple and easy to create beautiful web applications by simply dragging and dropping components on to forms, and then changing their appearance and behaviors as desired. Incident Report  (#4670) Dates Still Not Being Localized Correctly  (#4671) Intrinsic Data Conversion Functions Throwing Strings Instead of Objects for Exceptions Please click on the following link to access the Elevate Web Builder downloads. If you have not logged in to the Elevate Software web site in your…
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New Build 17 Now Available for Version 2.06 of Elevate Web Builder

Software Releases
New Build 17 Now Available for Version 2.06 of Elevate Web Builder   Elevate Web Builder is a visual rapid application development environment for web applications. It is simple and easy to create beautiful web applications by simply dragging and dropping components on to forms, and then changing their appearance and behaviors as desired. ElevateSoft is pleased to announce that build 17 for version 2.06 of Elevate Web Builder is now available. Please see below for complete download instructions. Incident Reports The following is a list of the incident reports addressed in version 2.06 build 17.  Clicking on these links will take you to the web site where you can view the full incident report.  All of the incident reports that are marked with an asterisk (*) affect one of…
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Microsoft SQL Server how to get a table size

SQL Tips
Microsoft SQL Server how to get a table size Sometimes you need to get the size of a particular table located in a database within the Microsoft Server and the following query can provide you that.  You can run this manually or place it in a stored procedure for numerous tables. The SQL code {{CODE1}} Looking at the actual code it displays the name of the table, schema name, record count (rows), size and additional information pertaining to the space used or not used. This is a nifty way to quickly view which tables are large and growing.  This provides analysis on the database giving a SQL admin a method to adjust what could happen in the future. You can also place this in your source code to call the…
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