The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates
Only Bill Gates would come up with something to create a tax system against robot usage. Click here to view the interview for yourself the conversation. After viewing the video the question arises about who or what can be taxed and does this open up a door to things to take away your money. Gates has been a billionaire for years and you wonder if he has way too much time on his hands. This comes from a person who has a heated driveway that melts the snow during the winter months. Based on what Gates mentions it seems he should be taxed from taking jobs from shovel driven folks and using automation to remove the snow.
Mass Production and the Robotic Age
Automation has been in the American industry for the past 40 years, does the car industry get taxed for having robotic machines that build cars on the line or other areas. Click here for the brief history of robotic assembly lines.
Gates tends to come up with some nutty concepts much like the building of farms in Africa but then cried out about global warming due to cutting down the forests. He tends to mean well but as proven over the Microsoft years he tends to generate failures as well. Can someone mention BOB or VISTA ? Gates is looking to hand out his money to charities which is the best thing he can do instead of coming up with ideas of taking other people’s money. As described in books that concerned Gates, he was always one to be cheap and frown on anyone he thought was taking his money. So does that make it right for him to come up with a tax plan ?