Windows 10 Professional criteria error when clicking on START button.

Computer PC Tips - bits and bytes
Windows 10 Professional has been a pretty outstanding OS since moving from Windows 7 Professional but it is really odd when particular errors occur. One recent has been when clicking on the START button, a message is received that a criteria error has occurred and a logout has immediately happen. At the lab it did occur and it was thought to log out from the session to see if Windows actually repaired itself. That of course did not happen and the entire Start / Cortena / Notification did not work and the same error message about criteria error would be displayed to do it all over again. It does sound like ground hog day but the next usual step was to go into safe mode. From the sign-in screen Restart…
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Delphi Create a Process or Shelling to start up an external application.

Computer PC Tips - bits and bytes, Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts
Delphi Create a Process or Shelling to start up an external application. Since Windows 10 has been released there has been hiccups when dealing with the Windows API. The strange behavior may not return an error code and may actually end up doing nothing leaving you more perplexed then ever. For Delphi developers the best thing to do is retire the ShellExecute API call and convert it over to ShellExecuteEX or to create a separate process you should use CreateProcess. Let's examine the simple task of calling ShellExecute(0, 'open', Pchar('DocumentName.pdf'), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL); work under Windows 7 and 8, which would start the Acrobat Reader and open the file but under Windows 10 this no longer is the case. So the next step was to update the call to use…
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Baron Software releases OLE Error Helper for Windows.

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts, Software Events, Software Releases
Baron Software has released the latest version for Windows the OLE Error Helper which is a simple free application that allows developers to do a quick search on OLE Errors and the definition.  Click here to download the latest version.  Developed using Rad Studio Delphi and SQLite stores the information.  System requirements is any Windows 7 or higher and the versions are either 32 bit or 64 bit. Search by simple words to match what you are looking for. You can view or print a report based on your search criteria or dump out the entire database to read at your leisure.
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Embarcadero and Baron Software Powerstudio case study which monitors SQL Performance

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts, Software Events, Software Releases, SQL Tips
Embarcadero and Baron Software has issued a case study that demonstrates the benefits of using Microsoft SQL Powerstudio product line.  Powerstudio is a robust package that monitors SQL performance and can provide assistance for clients to update or create tables, stored procedures, etc. for various SQL servers some being Oracle, Microsoft SQL and many more.  The detailed report can be view by clicking here.  
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New Year wish for Idera and the Rad Studio.

Rad Studio Delphi Development, Software development Concepts, Software Events
With 2016 now in full force the expectations for Idera to start getting aggressive for Embarcadero product line.   It has been highly speculate what is currently happening but this is without any written notice from Idera.  This opens nothing but hearsay or smoking guns on the demise of Delphi which is further from the truth.  Delphi is alive and doing very well all over the world, you may not hear many developers speaking about Object Pascal but there is a underlining amount of developers using either the Delphi or Free Pascal compilers. These developers are designing applications for various operating systems and devices, you just do not hear anyone parading these accomplishments.  This is largely due to the developer who does not think it is cool to work with…
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