Terminating an Application when using Delphi
Sometimes there are reasons to terminate an application due to unforeseeable issues and there has been a lot of talk how to handle this event. Let's go over a simple application and break down what needs to be done. Go to the code The initial code opens up a splash screen, displays it and finally releases it after a few moments. Splashscreen.Show; Splashscreen.Update; Sleep(2000); Splashscreen.Free; Application.Initialize; The application defaults are set with the title and the help file as well as creating the data module along with the login screen. Application.DefaultFont.Name := 'Arial'; Application.MainFormOnTaskBar := True; Application.Title := 'Application Name'; Application.HelpFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'Help.CHM'; Application.CreateForm(TDM, DM); Application.CreateForm(TfrmLogin, frmLogin); The application at this point will open up the login screen allowing the user to enter their information. The license is…