Recently Baron Software was using Apricorn SATA Wire 3.0 to clone drives in multiple machines. SATA Wire is an amazing piece of software. It comes with a cable which connects the SSD to the USB port 3.0. It is also compatible with a USB 2.0 port.
An average person who has a little computer knowledge can clone any computer drive to the SSD drive with ease.
Apricorn sells the SATA Wire kit for about $30. The cable and software is reusable.
Simple steps to clone.
Step 1: Install the software. There is an option to get the latest software from Apricorn web site.
Step 2: Insert the one end of the cable into the SSD and insert other end into the USB port.
Step 3: Start the software and select your source drive. This is usually the internal computer’s drive.
Step 4: Select your Destination drive
This is your external drive connected to your computer by Apricorn’s cable. You will have the ability to exclude from the clone files you no longer want or are just too large.
Step 5: Press the “Start Clone” button
This may be fairly quick or may take a while based on the size of the internal drive.
Installing the SSD Drive
Once the process of cloning has completed you will need to unplug the SSD from the USB port.
Shut down the computer
Open the computer case and remove the internal hard drive or if you have the room unplug the power.
Insert the SSD drive into the computer. Depending whether there is a cage that fits it or you may have to purchase a kit to hold a 2.5 SSD drive. The following kit can be located on Amazon selling for about $10.
Install the SSD drive and close the case. Boot the machine. The startup time will be amazing with a SSD getting Windows 10 to be fully functional in less than one minute.
You can also use the internal drive as a back up for the SSD and important files. The SSD needs to be the primary drive for boot up and the internal drive will be secondary in the settings.
Used in the last project
SATA Wire kit.
SSD 1 Gigabyte Samsung
Sabrent 3.5-Inch to x2 SSD / 2.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive Mounting Kit
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