TrackPro Entire Version History

Version released 01/01/2022

  1. Software Update: Placed MEMO field on main form.
  2. Bug Update: TrackPro Controlled Form Report creation missing class fixed.
  3. Help updated
Version released 12/20/2020

  1. Software Update: Reports will allow up to 3 levels of sorting.
  2. Software Update: Certificate Report bug fix that did not allow report to be displayed.
  3. Software Update: Scheduled Tasks for SMTP clients inserted to go along with CDO and MAPI
  4. Software Update: FILE / OPEN now provides directory assistance.
  5. Help updated
Version released 06/01/2020

  1. Software Update: User check for whether they can remove Registry entries.
  2. Software Update: Free version only allows 100 entries.
  3. Software Update: Export improvement.
  4. Software Update: Import from Excel or Text into TrackPro.
  5. Software Update: Double click on items listing will open up detail record in main form.
  6. Software Update: Registry key is moved from Software\TrackPro to Software\Baron Software\TrackPro.
  7. Software Update: History records can be edited.
  8. Help updated
Version released 02/05/2020

  1. Software Update: Alternate ID field is moved so the item number is not the only reference within the line.
  2. Software Update: Group Permissions now have 4 levels - Super User, Supervisor, Technician and User.
  3. Bug Fix: Report Designer allows custom reports to be generated and saved in the Reports folder for later use.
  4. Database Schema will be 3.5.2
  5. Help updated
Version released 11/14/2019

  1. Bug Fix: Print Screen failed due to form caption difference.
Version released 10/16/2019

  1. Bug Fix: Item Status did not correctly update.
Version released 09/19/2019

  1. Bug Fix: ADD ITEM WIZARD now has the drop downs working.
Version released 09/06/2019

  1. Bug Fix: Form Description was missing.
  2. Bug Fix: Reports: Item Type field was truncated.
Version released 08/29/2019

  1. Bug Fix: Item Links adding files gave an error message that was incorrect.
  2. Maintenance: TrackPro update version is now live.
Version released 08/18/2019

  1. Maintenance: Redirect external links to reflect new Baron Software ownership of TrackPro.
  2. Maintenance: TrackPro help files have been updated with new Baron Software Information.
Version released 01/01/2019

  1. Maintenance: Redirect some of the external links to reflect new Baron Software ownership of TrackPro.
  2. Translation: Update translations.
Version released 01/01/2019

  1. BugFix: Items could not be deleted if the DSA box was checked when, the restart TrackPro warning appeared.
  2. BugFix: F6 (grid reset) did not work under certain circumstances.
  3. BugFix: A crash could occur if the Windows version string was missing from the OS installation.
  4. BugFix: In the event a message was displayed without an active screen control, the application would crash.

Version released 04/12/2018

  1. BugFix: Correct crash that would occur on Win 10 computers where the "RegisteredOrganization" Registry Key is missing causing the exception handler to fail.
  2. Enhancement: Allow user to select online help when the user language is English.
  3. Maintenance: Redirect external links to accomodate the new web hosting service.
Version released 01/21/2018

  1. Bug Fix: Application could lock up if the Standards field was edited and the "Item List Tab" was then clicked immediatly.
  2. BugFix: Upon initially opening the Action Items Due Report, if something other than "All" item types was selected, all items would show anyway. If the item type was reselected everything would then be OK.
  3. BugFix: Any user could change the Alternate Report file irrespective of security settings.
  4. BugFix: Under some conditions the help file was inoperative.
  5. BugFix: The Master Items Report would throw and error and not print the first attempt to run the report.
  6. Enhancement: Provided the ability to filter items by Status on the Main Screen.
  7. Enhancement: Improved display of error information on the error notification email form
  8. Enhancement: Provide the ability to clear failed login records.
  9. Enhancement: Added a help button to the Logon screen.
  10. Enhancement: Perform validation of input and the "Part Of" field to ensure that the parent item actually exists.
  11. Enhancement: Changed Name of Master Items Report to Parent Items.
  12. Enhancement: Under certain circumstances an item link could not be accessed immediately after it was created.
  13. Translation: Updated all translations
  14. Translation: Added missing "Metrology Disciplines" string

 Version released 08/25/2017

  1. BugFix: Resolved multiple bugs in the Polish and Czech spellchecking functions.
  2. BugFix: Custom field names were incorrectly displayed in the item list grid header for User Defined Fields 1 thru 8 on the item list tab on the main form. The actual data was correctly displayed.
  3. Enhancement: Replaced JediVCL spellchecker implementation with Nhunspell implementation.
  4. Enhancement: Replace simple word list dictionaries with the OpenOffice Dictionaries.
  5. Enhancement: Added spellchecking to the AddItemWizard, Receive, Record, Send Out and Translator Forms
  6. Enhancement: Provide dictionaries for Australian, Canadian, South African, United Kingdom and United States English.
  7. Translation: Final release of the Polish language translation.
  8. Translation: Added Alpha Version of Czech language translation.
  9. Translation: Updated all translations for spellchecking changes.
Version released 07/03/2017

  1. BugFix: Rewrote IsWinVersionAtLeast function because in some locales (Norway and Poland), the function could cause a silent error resulting lose of the application email and the Super find tab. These function would usually crash the application.
  2. BugFix: Grid headers were not being translated on the Customer, Custodian, Contract Agency and Manufacurers Screens.
  3. BugFix: Crash in Polish language version after translating Item Types.
  4. BugFix: Improper date format in Past Due nodes of the SuperFind function.
  5. BugFix: The Master Items Report would not display.
  6. BugFix: The Highlight Editor in the report component was not working properly due to errors in frc files.
  7. BugFix: In the Polish language version the SuperFind Department node would not expand.
  8. BugFix: In the Add Item Wizard, if the interval was greater than 365 days and the error message was supressed, you could not save the record.
  9. Enhancement: Added the localized decimal separator to the error information.
  10. Enhancement: All disconnected record set are refreshed after the Superfind tab is selected, it is no longer required to close the application and reopen it to refresh the Superfind nodes.
  11. Enhancement: Improved drawing of the Standards Used Grid on the Main Screen.
  12. Enhancement: Minor modification to the field layout on the Record Form to permit display of longer field names.
  13. Translation: Added Beta version of Polish language translation.
  14. Translation: Updated all FastReport language files (frc).
Version released 03/18/2017

  1. BugFix: Non-english versions only, fixed errors on the Record and receive screens.
Version released 03/15/2017

  1. BugFix: When the List View on the main form was set as the first tab, it would be blank after the initial load.
  2. BugFix: Date controls embedded in a grid could cause the application to crash if the calendar popup was not used.
  3. BugFix: Under Windows 10 monitor size data was not being returned for listing on the error handler.
  4. BugFix: Under windows 10 an attempt to access the Service pack number would prevent complete listing of data in the error handler.
  5. BugFix: Edits in the History grid would fail if a combobox or a date control was edited to a null value.
  6. Enhancement: Made the standards grid easily expandable to improve useability.
  7. Enhancement: Made all the forms in the application printable through the use of the global Hot-Key Ctr-Alt-F5.
  8. Enhancement: Added "Print Screen" Form.
  9. Enhancement: Added Hints to the status flags to provide more information on equipment status.
  10. Enhancement: Prevented entry of future dates for the "Last Action Date" on the Add Item Form.
  11. Enhancement: Improved the calculation of colors and painting of alternate row colors.
  12. Enhancement: Add column captions to CSV and TXT grid exports.
  13. Enhancement: Increased the output speed of grid exports from the main form.
  14. Translation: Updated all translation files.
  15. Translation: Added Alpha translation of Polish, problems are to be expected because this is the first TrackPro language to use the central European character set. The language pack is available at

Version released 10/13/2016

  1. BugFix: On the Options Form, Company Info Tab, the "State" field was incorrectly anchored to the right side of the form.
  2. BugFix: Malformed links would cause the links grid not to display and could also cause a crash.
  3. BugFix: If there was more than one cc email address, emails could not be sent.
  4. BugFix: With non-default tab orders the wrong tab could be displayed
  5. Enhancement: Add Yes/No and Pass/Fail options to the group boxes on the Record and Receive thus providing a clearer idea of what is being selected.


Version released 05/12/2016

  1. BugFix:  Find Form filtering remained after Find Form was closed.
  2. BugFix:  Custom label field selections were not being saved.
  3. BugFix:  Last Label run was not being save in the registry .
  4. BugFix:  Date Due was not being printed on Equipment Label
  5. BugFix:  Under certain circumstances the flags on the main form were not displaying correctly.
  6. BugFix:  Fixed duplicated field in the Item History Report.
  7. Enhancement:  Optimized Auditing function to improve application responsiveness when using large data sets.
  8. Enhancement:  If the option to Delete is enabled, do not enable the delete button until the edit button is pressed.
  9. Enhancement:  The Master Items Report now display "Child Items".



Version released 12/17/2015

  1. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the audit trail was not saved if the edit took place on Item List Tab.
  2. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the SuperFind tab would not finish loading.
  3. BugFix: If the sort field on the main form was other than "Item No" and the Item List Grid was sorted by something other than "Item No", if you returned to the Form View the incorrect record would be displayed.
  4. BugFix: Report form list boxes could overlap when the form is first loaded.
  5. BugFix: Grid column widths were not be saved on the Records Screen.
  6. Translation: Updated all translation files
  7. Enhancement: Display the grid columns headers on the lookup forms as bold text.
  8. Enhancement: Added ability to set an alternative report for each of the intrinsic reports.
  9. Enhancement: Added grouping and sort capability to the Users report.
  10. Enhancement: Added sort capability to the Item List, Links, Items not Active, Standards and  Master Items reports.


Version released 10/28/2015

  1. BugFix: The Contract Agency combobox drop down did not paint correctly on the Send Out form.
  2. BugFix: "Go To the next past due item" button only would go to the first past due item.
  3. BugFix: The truncate function was not working properly on the "Action Items Due Report."
  4. Translation: Updated all translation files.
  5. Enhancement: Added a SortBy function to the Reports Screen.
  6. Enhancement: Changed the default for "To Date" on the Action Items Due Report from today's date -> today's date + early warning interval.
Version released 10/16/2015

  1. BugFix: Under some circumstances the HelpFile could not be opened.
  2. BugFix: If the Item List tab was set to display first the grid would not display until the Form View tab was clicked and the Item List tab selected.
  3. BugFix: Changing the language and immediately clicking the SuperFind Tab created an access violation.
  4. Translation: Updated all translations with new terms.
  5. Enhancement: Added ability to save and use an Alternate Controlled Form Report
  6. Enhancement: Added 3 new options for form display on the Themes Form: Glowing Edges, Show Animations and Outside Borders.


 Version released 10/05/2015

      1. BugFix: Under some circumstances the delete button could not be tactivated.
      2. BugFix: In some foreign language versions text in the panels of the statusbar could be truncated.
      3. BugFix: On the Manage Users and Passwords Screen, user properties could not be saved.
      4. BugFix: Under certain circumstances, if the TrackPro language was changed, certificate properties names would not be translated.
      5. BugFix: When the Trackpro screen was placed on the second or third monitor of a multimonitor system, the Main Screen would not display if monitor(s) were removed from the system.
      6. BugFix: Spin control was not showing on the on the Grid Manager Screen when running under Win2k and XP.
      7. BugFix: Improved the painting of the spin control on the Grid Manager.
      8. Translation: Correct typographical errors in translation files.
      9. Enhancement: If you move the mouse over the first panel in the StatusBar the full path to the data, without ellipsis, will be displayed.
      10. Enhancement: Save the size of the history grid on the Main Screen.
Version released 08/13/2015

      1. BugFix: Fixed app crash that occurs on the Scheduled Tasks screen if the Email Address Column is clicked when the grid is empty.
      2. BugFix: Improved painting of the check boxes in the Send column on the Scheduled Tasks screen.
      3. BugFix: Stopped space-filler images from reacting to mouse over events.
      4. BugFix: In certain circumstances a Contract Agency could not be deleted using the "Contract Agency" screen.
      5. BugFix: If there are no past due items the "Status Report" would generate an error 9138 and an access violation.
      6. BugFix: Prevent possible "Access Violations" and memory leaks if the Main form is closed before other open forms.
      7. BugFix: Corrected improper painting of the backround of the checkboxes on the "SpellCheck" screen.
      8. BugFix: Corrected font size from 8 to 9 on UDF Numeric 8 and UDF Text 9 fields on the More Info Tab of the Main Screen.
      9. BugFix: If the SuperFind Tab was Selected and then Unselected and Reselected nodes would be duplicated.
      10. BugFix: On the "Send Out" form the "Contract Agency" was not saved unless the Combobox was clicked.
      11. BugFix: Added missing print date on the Landscape version of the "Audit Report".
      12. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the help screen would not show when called from the error screen.
      13. BugFix: Fixed memory leak on the main form.
      14. BugFix: Increased the field size of the Security Level field in the users table as this potential could cause an error is the translation of "Power User" is longer than 20 characters
      15. Enhancement: Added Message 9113 to warn against directly editing the history grid.
      16. Enhancement: Added item-off premises flag to the Item list in the "Item No" column in the list view.
      17. Enhancement: Update the History grid and Main Screen status bar each time a History grid is edited.
      18. Enhancement: Added capability to designate custom labels instead of the ones supplied with TrackPro.
      19. Enhancement: Added message to indicate if a custom label file is not found.
      20. Enhancement: Added export formats to Trackpro Form.
      21. Enhancement: Add two new forms so that "Power Users" and "Users' can be assigned custom privileges.
      22. Enhancement: Added the F6 function to restore the grid to its default settings.
      23. Enhancement: Improved the useability and appearance of the Contract Agency, Custodians, Customer, Manufacturer and User Screens.
      24. Enhancement: Upgraded the report designer with new icons and improved interface.
      25. Enhancement: Provided search functions for Contract Agency, Custodians, Customer, Manufacturer and Users.
      26. Enhancement: Improved Layout  of the Email form.
      27. Enhancement: Added a 64-bit processor check and processor name to the message handling system.
      28. Enhancement: Added Item count and data sets count to the message handling system.
      29. Enhancement: Improved appearance of email form.
      30. Enhancement: Created 4 additional options on the grid context menu.
      31. Translation: Updated all translation files
      32. Translation: French Translation completed by Claude St. Arnaud.


Version released 12/04/2014

      1. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the cursor could get stuck a field, freezing the application.
      2. BugFix: Repaired additional circumstances under which Error 9130 could occur immediately after pressing the "Add" button.


Version released 11/19/2014

      1. BugFix: Error 9130 could occur immediately after pressing the "Add" button.
      2. BugFix: Repaired additional circumstances under which Error 9130 could occur immediately after pressing the "Add" button.
Version released 11/16/2014

      1. BugFix: Error 9130 would occur immediately after pressing the "Add" button. This would occur only with some non US date formats.
      2. BugFix: Corrected bugs on the "Manage Users and Passwords" screen that were introduced in version
      3. BugFix: Corrected bug that under certain circumstances would allow disabled users to logon.
      4. BugFix: Lower case 'f' was not being recognized on the Modify License Screen.
      5. BugFix: Reports Screen: Item Type Selection "All" was not working properly.
      6. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the Standards grid left position would be incorrect.
      7. Enhancement: Added 4 additional parameters to the exception report in the Exception Handler form. (Windows Language, Windows Country, Date Format, and Monetary Symbol)
      8. Translation: Updated Italian translation
      9. Translation: The Portuguese translation has be completed by José Teixeira of SERI, Lda in Vila do Conde, Portugal.
      10. Translation: The Norwegian translation has be completed by Ronny Pedersen of Biotec BetaGlucans AS, Tromsø, Norway.


Version released 09/01/2014

      1.  BugFix: Compressing the database while in "edit mode" would cause an access violation at 007BB1EE.
      2. BugFix: User defined field names would display incorrectly if ItemMaster User defined fields were renamed (server version only).
      3. BugFix: In foreign language versions, permissions other than administrative could propagate improperly.
      4. BugFix: After closing the find form the Form view would return to item no 1, not the last found item.
      5. BugFix: For Administrators, the "Delete Button" was active all the time. It is now active only after the "Edit Button" has been pressed.
      6. BugFix: The Del key would not work for a single-unselected character.
      7. Enhancement: Force a restart of TrackPro after compression/repair.
      8. Enhancement: Allow the use of the "#", "&", "'" keys.
      9. Enhancement: Added Phone and EmailAddress to Company Information
      10. Enhancement: Changed the the "Pass" field name to "As Found' to disambiguate the meaning.
      11. Enhancement: Added the field "As Left to the History table.
      12. Enhancement: Improved the appearance of application hints.
      13. Enhancement: Added a Location Changes report.
      14. Enhancement: Replaced the "Black Box' theme with 'Graphite.'
      15. Enhancement: Added a brightness control to the theme manager
      16. Enhancement: Provided the ability to use an alternate report format for the AutoEmail and Notify Custodians functions.
      17. Enhancement: Provided the ability to use an alternate report format for the Packing Slip Report.
      18. Enhancement: Removed the AlphaBlend on the "Main Form" when the opened the "Find Form," too many users found this annoying.
      19. Enhancement: Added a boolean field (Reviewer) to the User form, this field is used by the Certificates form. If certificate requires an approving or reviewing signature the name of the signer can be printed on the certificate.
      20. Enhancement: Removed the AlphaBlend on the "Main Form" when the opened the "Find Form," too many users found this annoying.
      21. Translation: Updated all translations to accomodate current changes.
      22. Translation: The Portuguese translation has be completed by José Teixeira of SERI, Lda in Vila do Conde, Portugal.
Version released 04/13/2014

      1. BugFix: Access violation if the label form was closed before printing was finished.
      2. BugFix: Under certain circumstances disabling a user would not prevent entry to TrackPro
      3. BugFix: User settings would appear to be edited but under certain circumstances be reset
      4. Enhancement: Added the ability to select items types on many of the preformatted reports
      5. Translation: Updated all translations with new strings.
Version released 03/23/2014

      1. BugFix: Access violation if the label form was closed before printing was finished.
      2. BugFix: If the Action Interval greater than 365 days was disabled, items could no longer be added to the database without clearing the disabled alerts.
      3. BugFix: Date Due was not showing in the All Purpose and Equipment Labels.
      4. Enhancement: Added the ability to select items types on many of the preformatted reports.
      5. BugFix: Killed bug that prevent the labels for from closing under certain circumstances.

Version released 02/17/2014

      1. BugFix: AutoEmail would fail because debugging code had be left in the source file.
      2. BugFix: The Tooltips for the "Procedure" and "Part of" fields was reversed
Version released 02/06/2014

      1. BugFix: Fixed incorrect operation of Scheduled Task would cause silent errors under XP
      2. Translation: The Swedish translation has been completed by Anders Holm.
      3. Translation: Additional Portuguese translations provided by José Teixeira.
      4. Maintenance: Update setup to work with Windows 8.1.
      5. Enhancement: Added the domain name to the for GetWindowsUser to improve usability of the Scheduled Tasks For
Version released 01/27/2014

      1. BugFix: In the Item History Report the "Truncate" setting was not working properly.
      2. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the Report Period List box returned incorrect dates.
      3. BugFix: Prevent error on Actions Notices Report if Group By field is not selected.
      4. BugFix: Changing a value in the Find Form required the form to be closed and reopened to work properly.
      5. BugFix: On initial usage, if a Location was not entered in to the Location field, the new record could not be saved.
      6. BugFix: Fixed incorrect drawing of status bars and splitters that would sometimes occur in windows XP.
      7. Enhancement: Add thousands separator to file size reduction message for the Compress/Repair Menu option
      8. Enhancement: By default the Action Items Due Report would not ignore items that were due before the start date. Now this can be set to ignore all items that are due prior to the start date.
      9. Enhancement: Provided a stronger indication to show when no records are found using the find form.
      10. Enhancement: Turned off "Hot' Tracking on the Report Form to improve usability.
      11. Translations: Updated Portuguese Report Designer Translations. Translated 48 strings into Portuguese.

Version released 11/26/2013

      1. BugFix: Removed debugging messages from Contract Agencies, Manufacturers and Customer forms.
      2. BugFix: Department field does not work on the custodians form - bug introduced in Version
      3. BugFix: Cannot delete custodians - bug introduced in Version
Version released 11/18/2013

      1. BugFix: Resolved issue where under certain circumstances the dataconv5 program could not find the data file. In certain circumstances this would also cause a silent failure of initial installations.
      2. BugFix: If the item listing tab is first in order the grid was not immediately filled.
      3. BugFix: "Item" Count added to Main Form Status Panel.
      4. BugFix: Under certain circumstances hints were not displayed in the Main Form Status Bar.
      5. BugFix: The SuperFind TreeView was not drawing with the Windows 7/Vista themes.
      6. BugFix: Corrected truncation of Item number on computers with DPI settings > 115%.
      7. BugFix: Default setting for tabs displayed only 4 tabs instead of 6.
      8. BugFix: Improper scrolling of custodian form when using scroll bar. The problem only occurred when using the "WEB" Skin.
      9. Enhancement: Added Report Designer Help to the help Menu.
      10. Enhancement: Added the "Item Count Panel" to the the main form status bar.
      11. Enhancement: Improve ease of use for the User form.
      12. Translations: Update all translation files.
      13. Maintenance: Help file and manual updated to lastest changes.


Version released 10/15/2013

      1. BugFix: All items would not show in the Clone Item grid unless the grid was sorted.
      2. BugFix: Could not ADD or EDIT Link Types from the Other Lookups Table.
      3. Improvement: Added Column Width adjustment to the Grid Manager Screen.
      4. Improvement: Added "Performed by" field to Add Item Wizard.
      5. Improvement: Implement "Full Row Selection" option for Database grids.
      6. Improvement: Added Export Data to the grid context menu.
      7. Improvement: Update main form combo boxes immediately after editing the lookup tables.
      8. Improvement: Added ability to configure the tab control located on the main form.
      9. BugFix: In certain instances the Use for All Reports would not display the selected logo on all the reports.
      10. BugFix: Subtitle on some reports would not print correctly if the included number of future days was divisible by 7.
      11. Translations: Update all translation for adding new strings.


Version released 09/15/2013

      1. BugFix: Change Decimal datatype fields to Double data type, to correct problems encountered when using a ',' for the decimal separator.
      2. BugFix: In certain circumstances 3 labels would be printed rather than one, immediately after an item was created.
      3. BugFix: Enforcement of Password Expiration could not be disabled.
      4. BugFix: TrackPro main screen would open after a canceled password reset.
      5. Improvement: Provided user notification when Memo fields cannot be sorted (Message 9163).
      6. BugFix:  Popup Menus icons were not displaying.
      7. BugFix: "Failed Login Grid" could not use the grid manager.
      8. Improvement: Added "Create Packing Slips" function.
      9. BugFix: Access Violation when exiting the Login form via the system control menu (x)
      10. BugFix: If delete button was active all users could perform a delete instead of just administrators.
      11. Translation: Revised all translation files
      12. Translation: Added translations to the data conversion routine


Version released 07/10/2013

      1. BugFix: Fixed unresponsive Record Screen that would occur with date formats utilizing the "." separator character.
      2. Improvement: Added additional history fields to the label query.
      3. Improvement: Altered all reports so that higher-quality graphics could be used for the logo.
      4. Improvement: Minor improvements to the appearance of certain controls
      5. Improvement: Added a screen to show failed login attempts.
      6. Improvement: Use default logo or logo for all reports on the TrackProForm.
      7. Translation: Updated all translation files.


Version released 05/28/2013

      1. Improvement: Incorrect painting of certain forms when using windows at DPIs over 96 or with large fonts.
      2. Improvement: Added support for requestedExecutionLevel and DPIAware to the application manifest.
      3. BugFix: In the Add Item Wizard records could not be saved if the Status was anything other than "Active".
      4. BugFix: Corrected incorrect painting of 3 combo boxes in the add item wizard, Problem only happened with dark themes.
      5. BugFix: Fixed crash that would occur after an invalid password was entered.
Version released 05/08/2013

      1. Improvement: Save the selected skin when changed from the control menu.
      2. BugFix: In the Add Item Wizard records could not be saved if the Status was anything other than "Active"
      3. BugFix: On the record form, if unplanned was checked the rescheduled was calculated as null.
      4. Improvement: The custodian addresses grid did not paint if there were no past due items, this causes confusion and makes it appear that something is wrong when there isn't
      5. BugFix: Freeze would occur during Record if both "avoid Holidays" and "avoid workdays" were selected.
      6. BugFix: Change security settings so that Power Users can directly manage lookups.
      7. BugFix: On multiuser installations the Modify License menu option was disabled at first use.
      8. BugFix: Enforce Application Timeout option could not be disabled
      9. BugFix: After the first password expiration, the new password would expite on the next use
      10. BugFix: The Item number label in the More Info View was not refreshing.


Version released 04/01/2013

      1. BugFix: Clicking the "Do not show this message again" would disable certain delete functions.
      2. Enhancement: Added navigation buttons to the TrackBar on the Main Form
      3. HelpFile: Added explanations for new messages numbers that previously had a message number of 0.
      4. BugFix: The apostrophe could not be used in the report designer. It is generally an illegal character but not in the instance.
      5. Enhancement: Improved error message that occurs if the MO file compiler fails to create a new translation file.
      6. BugFix: Replace missing icons on Grid Manager Screen
      7. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the wrong Item Number was called when using the Record or IN screen
      8. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the flags in the Form View were not displaying properly
      9. Maintenance: Updated Users' Manual and Help File
      10. BugFix: Fixed minor typographical problems in the Users' Manual


Version released 03/10/2013

      1. BugFix: Crash when "Notify Custodians" is run.
      2. Translation: Thanks to Frank Boemaars for adding missing translations in the Fast Reports module.
      3. Translation: Thanks to José Ignacio Vela for adding missing Spanish translations in the Fast Reports module.
      4. BugFix: The autoemail report was returning too many records as compared to the Action Items Due report.
      5. Enhancement: Change drawing method of checkboxes in the grid so that they will follow the same theme as the application
      6. BugFix: Cannot delete scheduled task
      7. BugFix: Removed Gif file extension as a valid logo format from Reports form.
      8. BugFix: Could not delete Items Links


Version released 02/21/2013

      1. BugFix: Correct field Error in TrackPro form.
      2. BuxFix: TrackPro form not being correctly translated.
      3. BugFix: The TrackPro form was incorrectly sized.
      4. Enhancement: Redirect support link to the new web address.
      5. Enhancement: Added revision history link to the update page.
      6. BugFix: Corrected orphaned links in the Help File and Manual.
      7. BugFix: Missing Icon on the Sort By Screen.
      8. BugFix: Power user permissions were not being applied correctly.
      9. BugFix: Would not recognize assigned temporary passwords to new users.
      10. BugFix: Administrative nodes showing on options form when user is not an administrator.
      11. BugFix: Changing the translation of English field names could cause a crash.
      12. BugFix: Portuguese translation would fail on field names.


Version released 02/12/2013

      1. BugFix: Correct inability to install to a different folder in the server setup file.
      2. BugFix: The Server setup did not recognize Server 2003 as a valid O/S.
      3. Improvement: Improved drawing of several components
      4. BugFix: Correct drawing of Section Headers on main and other forms
      5. New Feature: Black Box theme substituted for Office 2007 Black theme


Version released 02/10/2013

      1. Translation: Translation into Dutch completed by Frank Boemaars of Soltec BV.
      2. Bugfix: Reports fail to run properly when the localized date format utilizes "." as the date separator. This problem occurs when the locale is set to Norway.
      3. BugFix: Correct error messages in the "Found out of Cal" and "Master Items" reports
Version released 02/05/2013

      1. Translation: Translation of into Italian completed by Cristian Gnudi
      2. BugFix: The last data file used was not being stored in the registry unless the file name had changed.
      3. Maintenance: Italian translation completed by Cristian Gnudi
      4. Improvement: Provided procedure to automatically retranslated reports after an application update.
      5. Maintenance: Check for updates connected to the website
      6. BugFix: Corrected several minor bugs in the installer
Version released 01/27/2013

      1. Cosmetic: Improved the appearance of the TScrollBox on the Report Designer Screen.
      2. BugFix: In all languages except English, errors would ocurr when certain labels were viewed.
      3. BugFix: Fixed harmless and hidden "range check" error in the cryptography module.
      4. BugFix: New Link types were not being added to the lookup table.
      5. Improvement: Contract Agencies on the Main form did not refresh after a contract agency was added on the "Send Out Form."
      6. BugFix: The user security level when adding a new user was not translated.
      7. BugFix: The chosen theme was not being persisted between sessions.
      8. BugFix: TrackPro would start in English even if the system language was installed.
      9. Maintenance: Added changes to the Fast Reports translation file.
      10. BugFix: Hints were not showing on the Report Designer Screen.
Version released 01/08/2013

      1. Maintenance: Update helpID constants for helpfile translation by Google
      2. Improvement: Changed initialization of help information to the Login form
      3. BugFix: Repaired memory leak on main form
Version released 01/07/2013

This version is a release candidate and may be requested here. Major changes include:

      1. A report designer has been added to permit modification of existing reports and creation of new ones.
      2. TrackPro is now multilingual. There are translations for Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. All translation are at least 65% completed. Please check here for the current status of your language.
      3. TrackPro has a new look and feel. Numerous themes may be applied to the user interface.
      4. Additional user defined fields have been added to both the history and the item master tables.
      5. The AutoEmail plugin is now integrated into the application.
      6. There are scores of small improvements in functionality.


Version 4.0 Beta Testing Discontinued 01/01/2013

Version 3.3.230 released 10/22/2012

      1. BugFix: Under certain circumstances user security level accounts could either crash TrackPro or would be recognized as Administrator Account.
Version 3.3.229 released 02/02/2012

      1. BugFix: Opening the Holiday form from the Options form would cause TrackPro to crash.

Version 3.3.228 released 06/17/2011

      1. BugFix: The "Select do not show again" on the insert row message would subsequently disable the insert row command.
      2. Enhancement: When using the the clone item command in the wizard, the new due date was not automatically calculated.
      3. BugFix: Removed harmless "No Current Record" message that would occur if there were no past due items.
Version 3.3.227 released 03/14/2011

      1. BugFix: Scheduled Reports could only be scheduled on a daily basis.
      2. Enhancement: Use hourglass cursor on grid sorts for better user feedback.
      3. BugFix: Fixed bug in Links edit.
 Version 3.3.226 released 12/08/2010

      1. BugFix: Fix crash that would occur when the listview on the Lookups form was double-clicked.
      2. BugFix: Under certain circumstances emails were directed to the wrong custodian when using the Notify Custodians form.
      3. Enhancement: Provide user feedback while emails are sending using the Custodian Notification Form.
Version 3.3.225 released 1/08/2010

      1. BugFix: Repaired harmless subscript out of range error that would occur when the TrackPro Form was run with the item listing view.
      2. BugFix: Repaired file not found error that would sometimes occur on application shutdown.
Version 3.3.224 released 7/24/2010

      1. BugFix: Form View does not automatically move to the last record after using the Add Item Wizard
      2. BugFix: TrackPro closes if the File Open dialog is cancelled.
      3. Enhancement: The Alternate ID field was added to Step 5 of the Add Item Wizard
Version 3.3.223 released 7/16/2010

      1. BugFix: Corrected errors that would occur if the "." date separator is used. This problem is primarily limited to Norwegian users.
      2. BugFix: Further improved synchronization of grid to Item View.
      3. Maintenance: Modified the installer to better handle Vista an Win 7 User Account Control (UAC)
Version 3.3.222 released 6/22/2010

      1. BugFix: After using the Go To button the Item Listing grid was not synchronized to the item.
Version 3.3.221 released 6/22/2010

      1. BugFix: Add item Wizard descriptions were out of order.
      2. BugFix: Command Buttons would not display captions under Windows 2000. This problem was introduced in version 3.2.217.
Version 3.3.220 released 11/10.2009

      1. BugFix: Changed suppressed messages routine to prevent suppressing Message number 0 this is not a problem that would normally be encountered by a user. It is a design time problem only.
      2. BugFix: A harmless "no current record" message is received after editing if there are no items due.
      3. Maintenance: Changes to row selection rather than cell selection in the Item Listing.
Version 3.3.219 released 10/15/2009

      1. Maintenance: Corrected wording for the tool tips on the Yes No boxes in the "unscheduled" section of the Record form.
      2. BugFix: Occasional incorrect sort order in the Item list grid when the "Item No" field was sorted.
      3. Enhancement: Added intrinsic report titled: Link Listing.
Version 3.2.218 released 7/15/2009

      1. BugFix: Corrected reversal of Date Pickers on the Add Item Wizard. The problem was introduced in Version 3.2.218
      2. Version 3.2.217 7/10/2009
      3. Ennhancement: Changed the notify Custodian log control from a list box to a text box so that log can be easily copied using Control-C.
      4. BugFix: On the same form the hourglass cursor would continue to be displayed after an error took place.\
      5. Enhancement: Changed method of ensuring that Forms other than the main form remain visible. Main form is now active even though another form may be on top.
      6. BugFix: The "Scheduler Status Report" would fail under Vista and Windows 7 RC.
      7. BugFix: In form notify custodian, destroy the report object explicitly after each use
      8. Maintenance: Revised command buttons to be compliant with Vista and Windows 7 themes.
      9. Maintenance: Increased length of the Custodian Emailaddress field to 50 characters.
      10. Maintenance: Revised the Notify Custodians form to include support for port assinment, authentication type, and use of SSL/TSL.
      11. Maintenance: Changed the style of the frame control to improve display under Vista and Windows 7 RC.
      12. BugFix: The grid export function would not work on some computers changed API from ShellExecuteEX to ShellExecute
      13. BugFix: If an incorrect item number was entered into the part of field the fild was not automatically cleared potentially causing a crash.
      14. BugFix: Could not delete items from History grid
      15. Maintenance: Revise function to determine if reports should print in landscape or portrait mode, to print in landscape mode the report title must contain the string landscape.
Version 3.2.216 released 4/20/2009

      1. Enhancement: Improve handling of Export files to deal with embedded commas & quotes.
      2. Enhancement: Added F7 function to restore grid to it's original column order and column widths.
      3. Enhancement: Added F8 function to toggle the even row background color.
      4. Enhancement: Added F9 function to toggle restricting row height to one line
      5. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the between now and ____ date on the notify custodians for could not be changed.
      6. BugFix: Update form not working properly.
Version 3.2.215 released 3/16/2009

      1. BugFix: Deleted Action items were not being saved in the audit table.
      2. BugFix: All options on the Schedule Past Due Reports were simultaneously visible.
      3. Enhancement: Added an Export Grid Function to the Audit Trail Screen.
      4. BugFix: Improper display of row icons in datagrid
      5. BugFix: On initial startup the Add Item Wizard would be partially off-screen
Version 3.2.214 released 2/21/2009

      1. BugFix: Export Data Report did not print correct dates.
      2. Enhancement: Added command to export the data from the Item Information Grid to Excel.
      3. Enhancement: Added View next Past Due Item command.
      4. BugFix: Improper display of row icons in datagrid.
      5. Enhancement: Added option to toggle word wrap and row sizing by double-clicking data grids.
      6. Enhancement: Improved validation of the presence of email addresses on the "Notify Custodians" form.
      7. BugFix: Grid would not display on the scheduler form.
      8. Enhancement: Added new intrinsic report for "Items Not Active."
      9. Enhancement: Provided a separate panel on the the Reports screen to provide a brief description of all reports not just Add-on Reports.
      10. Enhancement: Refresh the item list after adding a new item if the record count is less than 500. Lengthy updates for large record sets is avoided.
Version 3.1.213 released 1/5/2009

      1. BugFix: In certain cases the display of option box labels was the incorrect color.
      2. BugFix: Correct "Invalid use of Null" error when deleting a comment on the record form. (Thanks to Jeff G. Quinn for reporting this bug.)
      3. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the grid in the notify custodians form was not displaying.
      4. BugFix: Incorrect display of icons when the eMoney Form Style was selected.
Version 3.1.212 released 12/22/2008

      1. BugFix: Fixed ridiculous error that would not permit changing an action interval to less than 365 days. (Thanks to Brad Courtemanche for reporting this bug.)
Version 3.1.211 released 12/22/2008

      1. Enhancement: Permit drag and drop of icons on the manage icon form.
      2. BugFix: Data not backed up when the main form is closed using the control box.
      3. Enhancement: Added min and max numbers to the 9058 error message
      4. BugFix: Trial version was limited to 140 items instead of 150 could still happen in certain circumstances.
      5. BugFix: Fixed error that would occur the second time the Contract Agency form was loaded during a session.
      6. Enhancement: The Go To button now searches the field that is selected in the "Sort By" Control rather than Item No.
      7. Enhancement: Provided additional error trapping and diagnostics on the Notify Custodian form.
      8. BugFix: Additional text was not printing on the Custom Label Form.
      9. BugFix: The second User Defined Field was not printing on the All Purpose Label.
      10. BugFix: Contained controls on the "TrackPro Form" displayed an incorrect background color.
      11. Enhancement: Allow expansion of row height in grid.
      12. Maintenance: Change 2 text fields in the History table to boolean type.
      13. Enhancement: Provide a freeze column function in the grids.
      14. BugFix: Sort Direction was not saving when using the report screen.
      15. Enhancement: Added automatic scaling and orientation to the print screen function.
      16. Enhancement: Added new intrinsic reports for listing Audit Trail Records.
      17. Enhancement: Improved appearance of the data grids.
      18. Enhancement: Changed record navigation keys from arrow keys to control keys + arrow keys.
      19. BugFix: On the Wizard Form the Action Interval could not be left blank if "Cal Not Req" was selected.
      20. BugFix: Change sort type from text to number in the "Item No "column in the "Clone" grid.
      21. Enhancement: Added option to change the Maximum permissible Action Interval.
      22. Enhancement: Added a Redisplay command button to the Report Viewer Form.
      23. Maintenance: Reformatted labels for a Brother QL-500 printer (size 2/3 x 3 7/16 inch).
      24. Enhancement: Added new intrinsic report for listing an item's history.
      25. Enhancement: Added new intrinsic report for unscheduled actions.
Version 3.0.210 released 8/14/2008

      1. Enhancement: Allow user selected fields in the Action Notices Report.
      2. BugFix: Report descriptions were not wrapping on the Report Viewer Screen. BugFix: Trial version was limited to 140 items instead of 150.
      3. BugFix: Wizard would load incorrect value into combo box after adding a new value Version
Version 3.0.209 released 5/20/2008

      1. BugFix: Text Sub-heading in the action item report was displaying incorrectly in additional cases.
      2. Maintenance: Improve the appearance of the check boxes on the Report Viewer Form Version
Version 3.0.208 released 5/19/2008

      1. BugFix: Text Sub-heading in the action item report was displaying incorrectly.
Version 3.0.207 released 5/5/2008

      1. BugFix: Provide more room to display the "Date Next Due" to prevent word-wrap on some computers.
Version 3.0.206 released 04/30/2008

      1. BugFix: Bottom bar on report form was mispositioned.

Version 3.0.205 released 04/06/2008

      1. Maintenance: Allowed ordering of columns in the client notification grid Maintenance: Exposed additional application properties for use by Plugins
Version 3.0.204 released 03/17/2008

      1. Maintenance: Removed data conversion because they were too unreliable. If data conversion is required, I will have to perform it manually.
Version 3.0.203 released 03/12/2008

      1. BugFix: Repaired bug that prevented changing of usage limits
Version 3.0.202 released 02/3/2008

      1. BugFix: Incorrect error message if an item link was a folder rather than a file.
      2. Enhancement: Changed the method to determine if a file or folder exists to improve response time of such queries, especially when files are on a remote network share.
      3. Enhancement: Used different check box and option controls to reduce executable size.
      4. Enhancement: Recoded the explorer bar control to reduce executable size.
      5. Version 3.0.201 released 09/17/2008
      6. BugFix: Incorrect display the sort field when in the item list view record position indicator
      7. BugFix: Icons keywords could not be edited.
Version 3.0.200 & 2.5.200 released 01/05/2008

      1. Enhancement: Added a function to display a blue flag icon in the data grid view if the item has been sent out for calibration or service.
      2. Maintenance: Refactored code to remove three file dependencies.
      3. Maintenance: Centralized all error handling
      4. Maintenance: Added error logging to application
      5. Enhancement: "Past Due" and "Nearly Due" report scheduling will launch notification reports at a predetermined time intervals even if TrackPro is not running.
      6. Maintenance: Added report error feature to error handlers.
      7. Maintenance: Rewrote help file in HTML to accommodate Vista's inability to display WinHelp4 file format.
      8. Enhancement: Added insert row function for history grid
      9. Enhancement: Added Option to recalculate the date due if interval is changed
      10. Enhancement: Provided links to tutorials for certain topics
      11. Enhancement: Permitted carriage returns in text fields on labels
      12. Enhancement: Default the Contract Agency on the Send Item Out Form to the that on TrackPro Form
      13. Enhancement: Added a "Clone Existing Item" option to the Add New Item Wizard.
      14. BugFix: Fixed application window flash that would sometimes occur when selecting menu items.
      15. Enhancement: Revised icon set for better appearance
      16. Enhancement: Added sort direction indicators to column headers. BugFix: Under certain circumstances keyboard accelerators would not work.
      17. Enhancement: Created a File Link table and increased the field size to 255. Enhancement: Provide option to display the Next Date Due on MM/YYYY format.
      18. Enhancement: Added new lookup field "Metrology Discipline" Enhancement: Added new lookup field "Department"
      19. Enhancement: Added new lookup field "Standard Type"
      20. Enhancement: Added new field "Range" Enhancement: Added new field "Use Std"
      21. Enhancement: Created "Link Type" Lookup table
      22. Enhancement: Added the ability to automatically use XP theme colors on command buttons.
      23. Enhancement: Added a "Sort By" combo box, so that the Form view can be sorted by any field.
      24. Enhancement: Provided flags on the item info view to indicate the status of equipment.
      25. Enhancement: Added a plugin architecture so that custom features can be installed.
      26. Enhancement: Provide the ability to select a sort field for certain reports.
      27. Enhancement: Provided a function to schedule and automatically run status reports at a predetermined time.
      28. Enhancement: Revised the Reports User Interface.
      29. Enhancement: Provided an option to start printing of each group on a new page
      30. Enhancement: Added a the User Listing to the intrinsic reports.
Version 2.4.199 released 07/09/2007

      1. Final Version for 2.4
Version 2.4.198 released 03/04/2007

      1. BugFix: If a new record was added and the previous location in the record set was not at the end, after the first edit of the new record TrackPro would return to the record that was previously selected, Harmless but really annoying. Thanks to slave2fishing for reporting this bug.
Version 2.4.197 released 02/09/2007

      1. Enhancement: Provide an option to recalculate the due date when the item status is changed to active. If there is not a previous due date in the History table one is created. This also permits convenient conversion to Active status even if the item was created as inactive. Thanks to Doug Roberts of BN ImmunoTherapeutics for this product suggestion.
      2. Bug Fix: Corrected bug that could make it difficult to delete a single row in the History Table.
Version 2.4.196 released 01/12/2007

      1. Enhancement: Update the Item List immediately after adding a new item so that the item will display immediately. Thanks to Robert Roy of Sanmina-SCI, Defense and Aerospace Systems (DAS) , Inc. for making this suggestion.
Version 2.4.195 released 01/10/2007

      1. BugFix: Fixed incorrect date sort order in grids. Thanks to Doug Bowles of Cascade Tek, Inc. for reporting this bug.
      2. Maintenance: Added links to the new support forum.
Version 2.4.194 released 10/26/2006

      1. BugFix: Incorrect but harmless notification about needing A4 on Action item reports when printing on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Thanks to Patrick K. Lesiecki of Aero Arc, Inc. for reporting this bug.
Version 2.4.193 released 9/16/2006

      1. BugFix: Under certain circumstances, after changing the action interval the due date would calculate incorrectly.
      2. Enhancement: Update the Item List each time data is edited in either the history grid or Item Info Form. (Thanks to Moises Padilla of the MediVas LLC for reporting these bugs.)
Version 2.4.192 released 9/6/2006

      1. BugFix: Update the History View after using In, Out, or Record buttons. Prevent error that occurs if you forget to enter an Agency ID after pressing the Out button.
Version 2.4.191 released 7/19/2006

      1. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the "Due Date" would be incorrectly calculated when adding a new item.

      2. BugFix: Form caption improperly displayed on the "Add Item Wizard"

      3. BugFix: The next button was not being disabled on the final step of the add item "Add Item Wizard" Thanks to John Edelstein and Moises Padilla of the MediVas LLC for reporting these bugs.

Version 2.4.190 released 06/18/2006

      1. BugFix: Data Grid column widths were not being saved on the main form. Thanks to Steve Elliott of the West Group Ltd. and Rick Pepper of Lightning Components for reporting this bug.
      2. BugFix: Application would suddenly close when an attempt was made to edit the "Date Acquired" field. Acquisition Cost, Action Cost, Time Required would cause the same crash if non-numeric data was entered (Thanks to Rick Pepper of Lightning Components for reporting this bug.)
Version 2.4.189 05/05/2006

      1. BugFix: Error 5 could occur when opening a different file. This problem occurs only if the "Hide extensions for known files types" option in Windows Explorer is selected. (Thanks to Anthony Cannon of Lyophilization Technology, Inc. and Ilya Burovoy of superDimension, Ltd. for reporting this bug)
Version 2.4.188 04/25/2006

      1. BugFix: Repair problem that would cause a GPF fault after unloading the Options Form. Thanks to Rick Pepper of Lightning Components Corporation for reporting this bug.
Version 2.4.187 released 03/12/2006

      1. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the past due items would be incorrectly reported during program startup and the past due report would not run automatically. (Thanks to Brad Sulfridge of Cast-Fab Technologies for reporting this bug.)
      2. Enhancement: Changed the behavior of certain the report toolbar buttons to indicate the currently active report. Also changed the behavior of the Form View, Item View, History View, and Super Find buttons to indicate the currently selected view.
      3. Enhancement: Internal changes, changed the subclassing technique used on the grid control
Version 2.4.186 released 01/28/2006

      1. Enhancement: Added confirmation of changes option for changes made to the Item View.
      2. Enhancement: After using the "Record" Form, the Item Info view would always go to the last record; it now stays on the record that was being edited.
      3. BugFix: The visible record in the Item Info View was not tracking the selected item in both the Super Find and Item List Views.
      4. BugFix: The "Record" and "Add Item Wizard" z order position could change unexpectedly. TrackPro now ensures that these forms stay on top until they are closed.
      5. BugFix: "Check for Updates" stopped working because ISP changed password requirements. Changed FTP password.
      6. BugFix: The date control on the "Report Form" could cause an unwanted click event in the any click box that was covered by the calendar in drop down mode. It was also discover that there was a possibility of this occurring on the "Record, Send Out, and Get Back Forms.

Thanks to Robert Lynch of BreconRidge for assistance in resolving these bugs.

Version 2.4.185 released 11/21/2005

      1. BugFix: Fixes intermittent inability to edit the grid.
Version 2.4.184 released 11/08/2005

      1. BugFix: Fixes error 5 and error 94 that can occur under certain circumstances when editing in the record form.
Version 2.4.183 released 11/06/2005

      1. BugFix: Fixes incorrect reporting of error 5101 or 5105 when recording an action or getting an item back.

Thanks to David J. Graham of Armoloy of Connecticut for finding this bug.

Version 2.4.182 released 10/3/2005

      1. Enhancement: Added "Audit Trail" capability to application.
      2. Maintenance: Eliminated the use of data-bound controls so that the audit trail could be reliably implemented.
      3. Maintenance: Upgraded Jet data engine from Version 3.5 to 3.6.
      4. Maintenance: Upgraded Microsoft (D)ata (A)ccess (O)bjects (DAO) from Version 3.6 to 4.0.
      5. Maintenance: Changed development environment from vb5 to vb6.
      6. Enhancement: Optimized startup routines so that main form would load faster.
      7. Enhancement: Upgraded to installation software to NSIS version 2.09.
      8. Enhancement: Removed DAO files and vb runtime files from installation routine reducing download size. This was possible because most computers running Win 2K or XP have these files already.
      9. Enhancement: Installer now checks to see if the latest version of DAO and vb runtime files are located on the user's computer. If not, the user is given the option to automatically download and install these files.
      10. Enhancement: The application was rewritten to eliminate external dependencies on 6 ActiveX controls and 1 dynamic link library.
      11. Enhancement: Permit non administrators to change their own passwords.
      12. BugFix: Increased length of the "By" and "Performed By" fields in the History Table from 20 characters to 30. This will prevent error 3163 in the "Get Back" function when the user's full name is longer than 20 characters.

Thanks to Perry Martin-Loat of FT Technologies, Ltd for finding this bug.

Version 2.3.181 released 7/12/2005

Note: This version was released on the CD installations only. All features are available in the on-line version

      1. Enhancement: Added internet application update function.
      2. Enhancement: Added "Emailaddress" field to the Custodian table.
      3. Enhancement: Added interactive notification of custodians of items past due and coming due.
Version 2.2.180 released 1/12/2005

      1. BugFix: Past due report at startup was not working, the problem crept in during the implementation of version
      2. Enhancement: Added an option to revise the due date in the event that the 'Action Interval' has been changed.
      3. BugFix: Under certain circumstances labels would not print.
      4. BugFix: When TrackPro was opened, the record selector was at the beginning of the record set rather than at the end. Enhancement: Automatically record changes of "Item Status" in the history table.
      5. Enhancement: Changed the method of updating the History Record prevent unnecessary database growth.
      6. Enhancement: Replaced MS dbGrid32 Control with a custom grid with better capability.
      7. Enhancement: Highlight "Past Due" and almost "Past Due" items in the History View and Item List views.
      8. Enhancement: Replaced MS common controls 2 with a custom date picker control to reduce download size.
      9. BugFix: Under certain circumstances the Holiday table could not be edited. Enhancement: Added iconized command buttons.
      10. Enhancement: Removed "Revision History Form" and posted the information at this page instead.
      11. Enhancement: Deleted "Close" from the File menu because it is redundant.
      12. Enhancement: Combine the "Item Info" and "Additional Item Info" tabs and changed normal application size to 800 X 600 from 640 X 480 pixels.
      13. Enhancement: Changed application from multi to single document interface.
      14. Enhancement: Combined the "Item Info" and "More Info" views.
      15. Enhancement: Improved the interface on the "Administer Users and Passwords" screen.
      16. Enhancement: Added "Non-conformance Report" field to the History table and screens.
      17. Enhancement: Provided a number of user configurable options to alter "the look" of the application.
      18. Enhancement: Provided a feature to automatically check if the version is the latest and to download the new version if it isn't.
      19. Enhancement: Redesigned layout of the "Administer Users and Passwords" screen.
      20. Enhancement: updated help file
Version 2.1.179 Unreleased

Version 2.1.178 Unreleased

Version 2.1.177 Unreleased

Version 2.1.176 released 10/25/2004

      1. Maintenance: Recompile with SP6 controls.
      2. BugFix: Fixed error that would occur when unloading the form.
Version 2.1.175 released 10/17/2004

      1. Enhancement: Improved the routine for restoring a corrupt data file.
      2. Enhancement: Prevented unloading of the main screen from the control box to enforce more orderly shutdown.
Version 2.1.174 released 10/09/2004

      1. BugFix: Under certain circumstances harmless error a harmless application error would be experienced after application closure.
Version 2.1.173 released 10/05/2004

      1. BugFix: Under certain circumstances harmless error 339 would be experienced after application closure.
Version 2.1.172 released 08/22/2004

      1. BugFix: Database functions 'compress' and 'repair' would not execute under certain conditions.
Version 2.1.171 released 08/19/2004

      1. Maintenance: Remove data conversion from Version 1 to Version 2 format.
      2. Maintenance: Revised licensing algorithm
Version 2.1.170 released 05/02/2004

Thanks again to Ed Attwood of EnPath Medical for finding this bug.

      1. BugFix: Database conversion would fail under certain circumstances.
      2. BugFix: Record count in data control would display incorrectly if there were deleted records. Note: Official end of Beta testing.
Version 2.0.169 released 04/20/2004

Thanks again to Ed Attwood of EnPath Medical for finding this bug.

      1. BugFix: Notices reports were improperly selecting records because of incorrect data type being used to for selection formula.
      2. Maintenance: Change all references from to in the executable and help file.
Version 2.0.168 released 03/17/2004

      1. BugFix: Could not add new records to lookup tables custodian and location when database was empty.
      2. BugFix: User field names not saving new names.
      3. BugFix: Password and user name defaults were being automatically loaded.

Thanks to Ed Attwood of EnPath Medical for finding these bugs."

Version 2.0.167 released 02/24/2004

      1. BugFix: Print Screen button on toolbar was inoperable.
      2. BugFix: Stopped the Go To dialog box from disappearing on screens with 800 x 600 resolution.
      3. BugFix: Corrected incorrect font size in frame captions under XP O/S on the In, Out, Record, and Wizard forms.

Thanks to Mario Arbesu of ID, LLC for finding these bugs.

Version 2.0.166 released 11/15/2003

      1. BugFix: Wizard form would unload when tabbing away from the manufacturer field.
Version 2.0.165 released 11/15/2003

      1. BugFix: Improved tab order on Add Item Wizard form.
      2. Enhancement: Added feature to enable grouping on user defined fields on the report form.
      3. Enhancement: Change captions on the report form to natural language style from SQL syntax.
      4. BugFix: Correct errors that would occur when displaying the data grid form.
Version 2.0.164 released 11/09/2003

      1. BugFix: Save the form location for the TrackPro Report form.
      2. BugFix: Form locations, under certain circumstances were not saving properly.
      3. Enhancement: Add two menu choices to link to the TrackPro Forum and check for new icons.
      4. Enhancement: Revised Installation to reduce download size. Many thanks to the folks at NullSoft for the open source installation scripting tool NSIS. If you like this sort of stuff visit
Version 2.0.163 Unreleased

Version 2.0.162 released 11/05/2003

      1. BugFix: The Add Item Wizard was not saving the Category and Agency ID fields.
Version 2.0.161 released 11/04/2003

      1. Enhancement: Added link To the TrackPro Support Forum so that the user can look for additional reports.
      2. Enhancement: Installed and connected revised Help File. BugFix: Fixed misleading error message that occurs when an when user attempts to send an item out twice.
      3. Enhancement: Changed several icons.
Version 2.0.160 released 10/28/2003

      1. Enhancement: Updated Crystal Report Viewer to Service Pack 2.
      2. BugFix: The "To Date" was not being saved when the report viewer form was being closed. BugFix: An apostrophe in the Company Name would cause an error in all reports.
      3. Enhancement: Open the mfg contractor by double clicking an ID and automatically move to the record to be edited. BugFix: SuperFind would not list items with null field values.
Version 2.0.159 released 10/10/2003

      1. BugFix: Altered label printing yet again, removed the selection criteria from the report formats and passed the "Date Due" as a report parameter.
Version 2.0.158 released 10/08/2003

      1. BugFix: Provided error trapping in all Crystal Report Viewer error events.
      2. BugFix: Altered label selection criteria to prevent multiple labels from printing.
2.0.157 Unreleased Version

Version 2.0.156 released 10/01/2003

      1. Enhancement: Added an Equipment Label.
      2. Enhancement: Added red or green exclamation icons to the status bar depending upon the number of past due items.
      3. Enhancement: Changed most form icons.
      4. Enhancement: Changed field lengths of Location (30), Manufacturer (20),and Contract Agency (20) fields.
      5. Enhancement: Added feature to avoid Holidays and weekends. Enhancement: Added Icon management system for TreeView display.
      6. Enhancement: Added data file compaction utility.
Version 2.0.155 released 9/29/2003

      1. BugFix: Rearranged menu for more logical access adding an "Actions" menu selection and moving 3 items to the "Tools" menu.
      2. Bugfix: History view was not linking to the correct item. Bugfix: Removed validation from the ComboBox change and lost focus events on the Add Item Wizard. This was making it difficult to make a new entry.
      3. Bugfix: Current item number was not printing on labels. BugFix: New mscomctl improperly displaying bitmap icons on some machines; converted all icons to icon format.
      4. BugFix: Resolved error 3003 & 3014 (Too many nested transactions and too many tables open).
      5. Enhancement: Added item icon to the TrackProForm.
Version 2.0.152 released 9/29/2003

    1. Release of TrackPro Version 2 Beta