Getting Started
Welcome to TrackPro. Please take a moment to review these suggestions for getting started. A small bit of preparation will make your first experience with TrackPro a good one. It is suggested that you perform the following steps before adding any instruments or equipment to TrackPro. TrackPro will provide you with context-sensitive help, at any time by pressing F1.
Note: If you wish to use TrackPro in a language other than English you should go immediately to the Translator Screen. |
- Watch the tutorials at
- Use the File | Open to open the "Practice DB.mdb" file and get used to navigating in TrackPro. Try some of the functions out, look at reports etc.
- When you feel comfortable, go back to the File | Open command and reopen the "TrackPro.mdb" file and start working in earnest.
- Enter your user name and password.
- Build a list of people that are instrument custodians.
- Build a list of locations where instruments are kept.
- Build a list of instrument manufacturers and contract agencies.
- Build a list of categories.
Building these lists will save time when you are entering your instruments. You will be able to automatically enter information by selecting the proper entry from the look up lists rather than typing the same entry over and over.
If you are starting TrackPro for the first time it is very important that you record the default user name and password that will allow you to gain access to the database. If you don’t record the user name and password and then forget it you will not be able to gain access to the database. This will probably make you very angry with me. So don’t be angry be happy; write down the temporary user name and password. The default credentials are:
username: Administrator
password: master