
Importing data into trackpro

To Import into TrackPro you can use

  • Text File
  • Excel File
  • QuattroPro 
  • XML


  • You must be an administrator to have the import feature enabled. 
  • All users should be logged off and not using TrackPro.
  • Make a backup of the TrackPro database prior to doing any importing.
  • You can also export the table to view what is stored.
  • Remember that there are relationships within the database.  One example is the history has several relationships that if you remove one that history record may not be viable any longer.
  • Review the database schemas

Choose a table that you wish to import into TrackPro by clicking on the Select a table

The Steps for importing correctly:

1. Select the format you have stored.

2. Locate the file you wish to import.

3. Select whether it is delimited or fixed, what field delimiter you have used, the record separator and the text qualifier.

4. Select the correct data formats you have in the file.

5. The contents will be displayed.

6. The Destination will be the table you chose and you need to select the field.  Click whether it is a key field you are updating as well.

7. The Data Preview will display the contents of the table.

8. The Summary will display the options that are allowed to insert / update into the table.

Click Execute and you will see the end results.