
Group Permissions



Screens > User Permissions

The Group Permission Screen is accessed from the Main Tools Menu or by entering ALT-T+S-G. The screen connects to the underlying Group Permissions Table. With this screen you can modify user permissions on a group basis. If you wish to modify permissions for a specific user, the User Permissions Screen should be used instead.

Group Permissions Screen

1 - Menu or Screen Field

This field is is intended to help you identify the general location of a specific permission. The field is not editable.

2 - Description Field

This field provides more specific information regarding the command or control related to a specific permission. The field is not editable.

3 - Supervisor Field

This field shows the actual permissions that are allowed for the Power User Group. A check indicates that a Power User has access to the selected permission. This field is editable. 

4 - User Field

This field shows the actual permissions that are allowed for the User Group. A check indicates that a User has access to the selected permission. This field is editable. 

5 - Technician Field

This field shows the actual permissions that are allowed for the Technician Group.  A check indicates that a Technician has access to the selected permission. This field is editable.

6 - Default Command Button

Clicking this button will return all permissions to their default settings.