
User Defined Fields



Database Fields > User Defined Fields

The User-Defined Database Fields may be used any purpose that you can dream up. The fields are available to you on-screen and in reports. These fields as well as most other fields in the TrackPro may be renamed to anything that you would like. Please see How to Change Field Names. There are User-defined Database Fields in the ItemMaster, History and Custodian tables. 

The availability of user-defined fields, by table, is shown below.

ItemMaster Table

  • 8 numeric fields (28 digit, max 12 digits after the decimal) 
  • 8 Text fields -max 255 characters each

History Table

  • 4 Boolean field (true or false)
  • 4 Text fields -max 255 characters each
  • 8 numeric fields (28 digit, max 12 digits after the decimal)

Custodian Table

  • 2 Text fields -max 100 characters each