User Name
The database field User Name keeps track of the authorized users of the TrackPro database. The User Name Field has a maximum size of 20 alphanumeric characters. Before allowing access to the database, TrackPro checks to see if the User is authorized. If the User is not listed in this field, access will be denied.
The TrackPro log on screen defaults to the User Name of the network or computer on which TrackPro is running. You may change the User Name at log on but why bother when you can assign the user’s computer or network log on as the User Name.
Note: The data file that is shipped with TrackPro is initially accessible using the User Name "Administrator" with the password "master." Be sure to remove this user to protect the database. |
The User Name can be edited on the Manage Users and Password Screen. There is an underlying read only field called User ID that cannot be edited. Therefore the identity to a specific user cannot be lost.