Audit Trail
The Audit Trail Screen is accessed from the Main Tools Menu or by entering ALT+T+A. The Audit Trail table is used to store information regarding changes that are made to the TrackPro database. The information contained in the table may be viewed on the Audit Trail Screen. The Audit Trail Screen is shown below. Several tools are provided to help you locate the record(s) that you may want to find.
- You may limit the actions to be shown by clicking Deletions, Edits, Additions, or Undeletes.
- You may display record(s) from all tables or from selected tables.
- You can show records related to a specific item number.
- You can limit the records displayed by entering limiting dates.
Audit Trail Screen
1 - Actions
This control acts as a filter to limit the number of records that are returned. Select "All" to display records that were added as a result of record additions, deletions, edits and undeletes.
2 - Tables
This control will enable you to limit the returned records to those in the specified table.
3 - Between __/__/___
The date controls allow you to limit the returned records to those created between two dates. The Between control will default to a date exactly one year in the past.
4 - And __/__/___
This control will default to just after midnight of the current date date. In the case shown all records created on 8/22/2012 will be shown. No records will be returned for the 23rd.
5 -Item No
If you wish to select all records related to specific item, enter the item number in this control.
6 - New Value Contains
If you don't remember where change was made you can enter the new value and only those records containing the new value will be returned.
7 - Old Value Contains
This control works in an identical manner to the new value contains control but operates on old values.
8 - Audit ID
9 - Action-Translated
Database Field Action-Translated
10 - Time Stamp
11 - Old Value
12 - New Value
13 - Table Name
14 - Field Name
15 - User Name
16 - Export
This control will permit you to export The information that is displayed in the grid to a CSV, TXT or Microsoft Excel file.
Tip: Exportation will retain the order in which your grid is sorted. It will also display the column order as displayed on the screen. |
17 - Undelete
The Undelete control allows you to undelete any records that may have been previously deleted.
18 - Refresh
The Refresh button redisplays the data after you have change the selection criteria contained in the left hand panel.
19 - Status Bar
The Status Bar will display the number of records returned by a query.
20 - History ID
Database Field History ID - not pictured
21 - Record ID
Database Field Record ID - not pictured
22 - Session ID
Database Field Session ID - not pictured
Related Topics:
Audit Trail