
Contract Agency

Screens > Contract Agency

The Contract Agency Screen is used to store information about contractors or other companies that you may use for calibration or maintenance of equipment. The table is used to look up agencies when you are sending equipment out for maintenance or calibration. It is also used when you create packing slips. The screen is only accessible by administrators. The screen may be accessed by opening the Edit Menu, selecting Lookups, and finally selecting Contract Agencies. You may also use the shortcut ALT-E+L+C.

Contract Agency Data Entry Screen

1 - Find Command Button 

Clicking this button will open the Find Screen and allow you to search for a Contract Agency.

2 - Clone Command 

The Clone Command will create a duplicate of the current item. Remember that you must change the Contract Agency Field because the database cannot have duplicates of this value.

3 - Item List Tab

Clicking the Item List tab will reveal a grid that contains a listing of all the Contract Agencies. Selecting a Contract Agency in the grid will show that Agency in the Form View. Please note that the grid is read only.

Related Topics:
Contract Agency
Contract Agency