TrackPro Calibration and Maintenance

Check for Updates

TrackPro can check to see if updates are available. Executing the Check for Updates command from the "Help Menu" will open the TrackPro Update Form. Press the "Check for Update" command button to determine if an updated is available. If an update is available you can download and install the update by pressing the "Update" command button. Click the various controls on the update form below to get a description of the function.

Check for Update Screen

Warning:  If you are using the multiuser version; you must  assure that there are no other users logged into TrackPro. If you don't the upgrade will probably fail.

1 - Update Version

This control will display update version that is available..

2 - Release Date

This is the date that the newest version was released.

3 - Version History

Click this link to connect to the web and view the entire version history

4 - Current Version

This is the version of TrackPro that is currently installed on your computer.

5 - Download Size

 This control displays the size of the update download.

6 - Update Information

the update information text box displays the most recent changes that have been made to TrackPro by this version. It may contain other information as well.

7 - Status

The status bar let you know if an update is available. If you have clicked the  Update button the progress of your download will be displayed.

8 - Update

The Update button will start the download of the update.