The Manage Users and Passwords Screen is accessed from the Main Tools Menu or by entering ALT-T+M. The screen is available only for TrackPro administrators. With this screen you can add, edit or disable TrackPro user accounts. You'll notice by looking at the screen that no provision is made for deleting users. This is because, when auditing is active, user actions are recorded in the audit trail table. If a user were to be deleted, traceability to their actions would be lost. The default view of the User Grid does not show disabled users.
Users can be granted one of three levels of access: Administrator, Power User or User. You can review the information on TrackPro Security to gain and understanding of what permissions are granted to each type of user. Please note that if you are a TrackPro administrator that you will not be able to access the "Disable Account" check box or the Security Level list box for your own account. This is to assure that TrackPro cannot be left with only a disabled administrator accounts or no administrator account.
To disable yourself as an administrator, proceed as follows:
Please note that it is permissible to have more than one administrative account.
To add a new user proceed as follows:
Tip: User names should be assigned to be the same name as the user’s network or computer log on. TrackPro will use the user name to track user actions. |
Tip: The data file that is shipped with TrackPro is initially accessible using the user name "Administrator" with the password "master." Be sure to change the User Name and Password to protect the database. |
Manage Users and Passwords Screen
1 - Show Disabled
The Show Disabled will cause the TrackPro grabbed to display user accounts that have been disabled as well as those that are active.
2 - User Grid
The User Grid is shown when the "Item List" tab is clicked. The User Grid allows you to view user information in tabular format. The grid cannot be edited. Select the user that you wish to edit and the user information will be loaded in the controls on the left side of the form. Click the Edit button to begin editing and the update button to save the changes.
3 - Logon Name
The Logon Name field must be unique or you will not be permitted to enter it into the database. If you or your user login to a domain you may find it handy to use the domain user name. The TrackPro login screen will default to this name.
4 - Last Login
The Last Login control is read-only. It displays the date of the selected user's most recent login.
5 - Full Name
There is nothing complicated here, just enter the user's full name.
6 - Employee Number
This is not a required field but it may be used for employee number or other identification regarding the TrackPro user account.
7 - Temporary Password
This field contains the temporary password for new users. It has a maximum length of 20 characters. TrackPro passwords are case-sensitive.
8 - Security Level
Please read about TrackPro Security to understand which Security Level should be chosen.
9 - Disable Account
Checking the "Disable Account" control will prevent the selected user from logging into TrackPro
10 - Reviewer
This is a boolean field that indicates if a user is permitted to review or approve certificates and other documents.