TrackPro Calibration and Maintenance


There are no records in the History table corresponding to this item number.  Was this item sent to an Agency?  If it was, try the 'In' Toolbar button.

What this means is that TrackPro cannot find a record in the History table that has a Date Due with a Date Done that is Null (Blank) that has not been sent to a Contract Agency. The first thing you should do is see if the item was sent to a Contract Agency. You can do this by clicking the In toolbar button. If you do not receive an error then you know that the instrument was sent to a contract Agency and should be recorded with the In button rather than the Record button.

If the foregoing fails, then you should manually add a row to the History Table using the Add Row to History command located on the Main Edit Menu

After inserting a new row into the grid delete, the Date Done and enter a Date Due. The error should now be resolved.

Warning:  This is one of the rare occasions that editing the History Grid is warranted. Always use the Record, In, or Out buttons to record an action.